President’s Message

Message from Peter Poulos 2013 ICAP President

Dear Members of ICAP:

It has been an honor serving as your 2013 President.  Over the past year, I have been fortunate to meet and work with several of you and have been inspired by the commitment that our membership has to the Appraisal profession in Illinois. I’ve also had the privilege of working with a tremendous Board of Directors and staff that has worked countless hours for the benefit of the organization and our members.

With the support of ICAP’s membership, provisions were removed from HB 2720, which exempted certain types of IDOT valuations from being considered appraisals; and ICAP was successful in our efforts of stopping HB 2857 from reaching the Illinois House for a vote.  Due to ICAP’s efforts, employees performing valuations for IDOT are now required to have completed at least 45 hours of appraisal coursework and have a minimum of two year experience.

In 2013, ICAP hosted an AMC seminar where Appraisal Management Companies and the Appraiser learned how to practice in Illinois under the new State AMC Registration Act.

ICAP had three of the most successful and well-attended seminar programs in recent years.  Our seminars are a valuable benefit for our members; providing up-to-date issues and cutting-edge technologies along with the networking power of the largest gathering of appraisers in the state.

It will be ICAP’s membership that will make next year (ICAP’s 20th anniversary), and every year, a success. 2014 brings with it new challenges and opportunities for ICAP and its members.  In particular ICAP will be monitoring any rewrites of the Appraisal Act and the AMC bill, as well focus its attention on the development of BPO legislation that would have the possibility of affecting appraisers.  As always ICAP will continue to monitor, inform and influence any and all legislative issues that have the ability to impact our profession.

On behalf of ICAP’s Board of Directors and staff, I thank our membership for their loyal support over the past 19 years and I look forward to celebrating ICAP’s 20th anniversary!

Happy New Year.

Peter Poulos, MAI

2013 ICAP President

2012 LOGO

About icapweb

ICAP was established in 1994 to be a unified voice for Real Estate Appraisers in the State of Illinois

Posted on January 1, 2014, in The Good Stuff. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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