Category Archives: Springfield Seminar

ICAP’s 2014 Seminar Location and Dates

ICAP-Illinois Appraiser Update Seminars– now in its 14th year – has announced its 2014 location and dates. This year’s location and dates are as follows:

Springfield – July 14 2014

Godfrey – August 15, 2014

Lisle – August 18, 2014

The full agenda for the events and the keynote speakers will be announced as they become available. Continue to check ICAP’s website for future registration, information about the conference, and exhibitor opportunities. More information about the event will be posted as it is made available.

Additional information about ICAP can be accessed at Follow ICAP on Twitter: @ICAPWeb

ICAP Recap-2012 Springfield Seminar

The ICAP Springfield seminar Monday, July 9th, was a great success.  Approximately 110 participants attended the seminar, which covered a variety of current topics.

Rich Heyn, SRA began the seminar and discussed the UAD form.  Rich provided tips, tricks and trouble spots when completing the UAD form and singled out areas of the form such as address, view, condition, quality and the sales comparison grid, which have provided problems for all participants.Mike Ireland was the second speaker and discussed the Appraisal Practice Board and property tax appraisals.  Mike provided insight on the assessor’s side of the appraisal process and tips on providing a credible appraisal for the tax appeal side.

Rich Heyn, SRA

Rich Heyn, SRA

A full lunch was served adjacent to the seminar room, which provided opportunities for networking and talking to the speakers on an informal basis.The first speaker after lunch was Sandy Adomatis, SRA.  Sandy discussed the appraisal of green properties, which are properties that energy efficient and provide substantial savings in energy costs.  Her presentation was very informative and pleasantly surprised a number of attendees, who had different expectations regarding the material.  Sandy discussed the coming importance of energy efficient housing and how it will likely be a significant value influence in the future.

Sandy Adomatis, SRA

Sandy Adomatis, SRA

Jim Blaydes, SRA and Tim McCarthy, SRA followed Sandy Adomatis and spoke about current legislative activity.  Jim and Tim spoke about the legislative successes our industry has experienced in the past year and also spoke about the current and future issues ICAP is monitoring.

Jim Blaydes, SRA and Tim McCarthy, SRA

Jim Blaydes, SRA and Tim McCarthy, SRA

Both Tim and Jim spoke of the importance ICAP member’s phone calls, emails and letters to legislatures have been to our legislative successes.  We would not have had the successes we had this year without these correspondences to our legislators.

The final speaker was Brian Weaver, our Illinois appraisal director.  Brian spoke about the myriad of issues with which the agency is currently dealing.  Brian also spoke about supervisory appraiser/trainee appraiser issues.

Brian Weaver

Brian Weaver

Overall, we had a very good turnout and the day was very informative.  If you have not signed up for the Godfrey or Lisle seminars, there is still time to do so.  These seminars provide very relevant information and networking opportunities.

ICAP’s Springfield seminar and an ICAP board member are featured in the Springfield State Journal Register

ICAP’s Springfield seminar and Dan Legner (ICAP board member) are featured in the July 15, 2011 edition of the Springfield State Journal Register. The article titled; Farmland Prices Jump By Up To 18 Percent, by Tim Landis could be found at the following link:

Springfield Seminar Huge Success, 106 appraisers in attendance

The first 2011 Illinois Coalition of Appraisal Professionals seminar which was held in Springfield on July 19th at the Crowne Plaza
hotel was a huge success, with 106 appraisers in attendance.  The seminar was kicked off by President Sharon Bagby.
President Bagby informed the attendees of the current activities and previous year accomplishments of ICAP.  The
Board members in attendance were introduced and the ICAP members were thanked for their membership and contributions.

Four presenters were on the seminar agenda.  The first presenter of the morning session was Scott Dibiasio, Manager of State and Industry Affairs of the Appraisal Institute in the Washington D.C. office.

Mr. Dibiasio’s job description with the Appraisal Institute includes monitoring real estate appraisal legislation and lobbying on behalf of real estate appraisers.  Dibiasio presented a summary of current and pending federal and State legislation impacting real estate appraisers.

Scott Dibiasio

The presentation was frank and honest and raised several challenging issues the appraisal profession will be facing in the future.

The second presenter of the morning session was Wayne Pugh.  Mr. Pugh is a real estate appraiser from the New Orleans area.  He
also is a technological guru and contributor to the quarterly periodical Valuationmagazine.   He writes a column called “cool tools” which focuses on technology for real estate appraisers.

Wayne Pugh

Mr. Pugh’s presentation was titled “Cool Tools – Technology for Real Estate Appraisers” and was a plethora of links, apps, and other gadgets for real estate appraisers.

The afternoon session included presentations by Mr. Charlie Franklin and Mr. Brain Weaver.  Mr. Franklin is an attorney with Belongia, Shaprio and Franklin.  He represents real estate appraisers in litigation and disciplinary matters.  Mr. Franklin’s presentation was titled “Limiting an Appraiser’s Liability – Do’s Do’nts and Things In Between”.

Charlie Franklin

The presentation focused on the liability real estate appraisers face in their everyday practice and offered ways to minimize risk.  Although the discussion made some attendees squirm, real estate appraisers need to be aware of the issues raised in the presentation.

The seminar ended with a presentation from Brian Weaver, Appraisal Coordinator with the IDFPR.  Mr. Weaver discussed current topics of the Appraisal Division and important matters concerning Illinois licensed real estate appraisers.

Brain Weaver

Mr. Weaver entertained the audience with his humor and presentational skills but emphasized important points for Illinois real estate appraisers.

Everyone in attendance seemed to enjoy the day and found the seminar to beneficial to their appraisal practice.  As is customary of ICAP seminars, attendees  were provided breakfast, lunch and afternoon treats.  Attendance prizes were also given.   Congratulations to the attendance prize winners Ernest Moody and Michele Stroot.

The next ICAP seminar will be August 1st in Lisle followed by the Godfrey seminar on August 12th.  As a reminder, ICAP seminars qualify for 14 hours of CE if you attend a combination of Springfield/Lisle and Godfrey.

ICAP’s Lisle Seminar includes an exhibitor showcase which will feature a morning exhibitor hour (7:30 AM to 8:30 AM) and an afternoon exhibitor hour (12:00 P.M. to 1:00 PM). In addition, there will be crowd raffles and giveaways.

Tickets for ICAP’s summer seminar can be purchased online at